Daniel Radcliffe, star of the Harry Potter film series, knows first-hand about the discomfort caused by nickel allergy The eyeglass frames he wore during the filming of the first movie, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, contained nickel which caused an allergic reaction. He suffered for a week with mysterious bumps around his eyes where the iconic glasses touched his face, until allergic contact dermatitis was diagnosed. Nickel is found in many metal products, including eyeglass frames.
Nickel allergy is a very common form of allergic contact dermatitis, causing rashes, bumps, redness, swelling, and/or itching. Radcliffe was fitted with hypoallergenic frames and the reaction went away. Although titanium frames are a great option for the nickel allergic, they can be expensive. Nickel Guard® can be used as an inexpensive alternative to provide a barrier between the metal containing nickel and the skin. Just a few layers of Nickel Guard brushed on the frames provide lasting protection from nickel.
Nickel Guard received top honors from a major medical university that specializes in allergic contact dermatitis. In a clinical study, it proved to be the most effective in barrier protection from nickel.
NoNickel® offers not only the nickel barrier, Nickel Guard, but also a simple nickel test kit, Nickel Alert®, to test metal items prior to buying or wearing eyeglass frames. Once nickel is detected, other frames may be selected or Nickel Guard may be brushed onto the frames to create a seal between the metal and the skin. Nickel Alert and Nickel Guard are available in a the Nickel Solution®
Written by Rita Arrup