Nickel Allergy Information
If you have just been diagnosed with nickel allergy, there is a lot to consider. Here are the basics to help you on your way to a nickel free, symptom-free life!
Nickel allergy is the most common cause of contact dermatitis in the industrial world, particularly affecting females, and it is on the rise.
There is no cure for nickel allergy. It affects a great number of people and thankfully can be managed by avoidance and knowledge.
Nickel touches our lives in many ways besides "cheap jewelry".
This information will help you understand nickel allergy and make it easier to avoid nickel in your everyday life.

Nickel Testing
- Nickel Allergy Symptoms
- Nickel Allergy Treatment
- Nickel Allergy Patient Education PDF - English (physician handout)
- Informacion del Paciente en Espanol PFD
- Wall Street Journal - Till Dermatitis Do Us Part
- Nickel Allergy Diet
- Nickel Allergy, Diet and its Link to Hand Eczema
- Medical and Dental Considerations with Nickel Allergy
- Why Titanium is a Great Choice if You Have Nickel Allergy
- Mystery Rash May be Nickel Allergy Chemical Sensitivity- Bottom Line's Daily Health News
- Nickel in Musical Instruments
- Harry Potter's Daniel Radcliffe Has Nickel Allergy!
- List of Common School Items that Contain Nickel
- Halloween Costumes-don't let Nickel Allergy scare you away from having fun!
- The Truth about "Nickel Free" Jewelry
- Nickel Allergy caused by Cell Phones
- CBS Health Watch - Cell Phone Rash caused by Nickel Allergy
- Nickel Allergy- Is it Worse in the Summer?
Videos to help with your nickel allergy